Give Your New Rescue Pet Time to BE a Good Pet…
Your new shelter or rescue animal needs a break. Give him one.
“Rescue Pet” or “rescue dog” or “I rescued him” are all popular catchphrases these days. As we hit 2020 running, many of you have done a wonderful thing and “rescued” a rescue puppy, cat, dog, bird or horse. Right about now, frustration may be setting in. You are getting to know your pet, and, SHHHHHH!–don’t tell anyone, but this is a lot of work, and he or she isn’t exactly what you had hoped or expected. Again, please give your rescue pet time. In the first quarter of every year, as an animal communicator, 20 percent of my calls are for people who have a “rescue” animal they don’t understand. There may be biting, inappropriate peeing, or the most common, “She seems really aloof.” Tip number one: Quit calling your pet a rescue–It keeps them stuck in the past.
I have volunteered for rescues for many years now. A common meme in animal rescue says the following:
And it couldn’t be more true…Does this mean that your new animal will be perfect? No. But neither are you. You have adopted a pet who has very likely had its trust in humans sorely tested. She may have ended up in shelter or rescue because the lazy fart who had the pet at 8 weeks old failed to potty train it, or because a new, cuter cat came to the home. You have the immense honor of proving that humans are essentially good. This means a lot of praise, a willingness to create structure and routine, and learning to be a great energy leader. For dog owners, it also likely means dog training.
As an animal communicator and energy worker in Orange County, CA, through my services at Pet’s Eye View, I can help translate your new pet’s fears, and help you unwind the stress of having a new pet in the home. Look into a simple animal communication session–noting that I should talk to ALL the pets in your house–in order to create true harmony–or try an energy (EFT for animals) session, if your animal has a lot of anxiety.
To give you a glimpse of what it is truly like for a rescue dog–read the story in the link below–This dog had become attached to her foster after several months, and was suddenly adopted. This story has a happy ending–After a long stretch of the new guardian feeling stressed and worried, a commitment to love and a little training has made this girl, “the best dog, ever!–But read her story in her own words, to see how it was for her on week 1.
Here is an excerpt–click on the title below to read the whole narrative at the Radiance magazine website. If you have a new rescue pet in your home, book a session with me, and I can tell you his or her essential personality, what he or she loves, and how to choose a great job for your new pet. You can download my ebook on giving your pet a purpose to the right of this post.
” It has been four days. This newest family with three handsome boys took me from the woman who called herself my “foster.” I don’t know what that means. To me, she was the sunshine, and I wanted her to be mine.
The new family put me in a car, and I knew I was being sent away again. It made my tummy roil. I tried hard to wait until we stopped to throw up, so I wouldn’t be in trouble-I am always afraid I might do something wrong…”